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Agora Releases Native SDK v3.2.0 Featured

Agora Releases Native SDK v3.2.0

By Author: Max Cobb In Developer, Product

Agora Native SDK 3.2.0 was released on November 30, 2020

Voice Beautifier (All platforms)

v3.2.0 adds a new method, setVoiceBeautifierPreset, in place of setLocalVoiceChanger which is now depreciated. This method has a dozen values to enter, which can add clarity, depth or freshness to the voice of any user. A similar new method is setAudioEffectPreset, which replaces setLocalVoiceReverbPreset. It adds effects like studio, phonograph and even makes the user sound a bit like the Hulk.

For further tailoring of these voice settings, another method has been added — setAudioEffectParameters.

Video Beautifier (macOS)

Already available on iOS and Android, you can now add beautifying effects to your local video with Agora RTC v3.2.0. The properties that can change include contrast, brightness, smoothness and red saturation.

Meeting Scenarios (All Platforms)

As many people are using Agora for meetings, a new audio profile has been added specifically for this purpose. This can be applied using the setAudioProfile method on all platforms.

New on macOS and Windows, updates have also been made to screen sharing. The 3.2.0 update adds the ability to share slides in presentation/full-screen mode, and also sends a message to the application notifying the viewers when the presenter has closed the window they’re actively sharing.

These are just a few pieces of what’s changed in Agora Native SDK v3.2.0. If you want to know more, check out the full release notes for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows.

Download the latest Video SDK or Audio SDK today.